Trade Academy Webinar
報名表 Registration

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滙豐「貿易學府網上研討會」HSBC’s Trade Academy Webinar
日期 Date: 31/3, 29/6, 31/8, 26/10
時間 Time: 10:30am – 11:30am
主題 Topic: 進出口跟單托收與信用証實用指南 / Import & Export DC Trade with HSBC’s Digital Platforms
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese / 普通話Putonghua

滙豐「貿易學府研討會」Trade Academy Seminar
日期 Date: 26/7
時間 Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm
地點 Venue: 九龍大角咀深旺道1號滙豐中心二座10樓 / Level 10, Tower 2, HSBC Centre, 1 Sham Mong Road, Tai Kwok Tsui, Kowloon
主題 Topic: 進出口跟單托收與信用証實用指南 / Import & Export DC Trade with HSBC’s Digital Platforms
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
參加者手機電話 (可填寫: 僅用於接收研討會確認簡訊資料和活動提醒簡訊資料)
(備註: 每個滙豐Instant@dvice電郵地址只限一位參加者登記及一台設備登錄滙豐「貿易學府研討會」。Note: Each HSBC Instant@dvice email address is only valid for one participant with one device to join the Trade Academy.)
如有查詢,請電郵至與環球貿易及融資業務部客戶服務專員聯絡。 For enquiries, please contact our Global Trade and Receivables Finance Client Services Specialist by email:

1.     本研討會由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(「滙豐」)主辦,並只就相關議題提供概覽。所提供的示例僅作說明之用。你不應倚賴本研討會所提供的資料。本研討會所提供或與之有關的資料不應視為任何金融服務及/或產品的銷售邀請或投資建議,亦不應視為對 對有關投資業務、金融服務及/或產品的推薦。有關資料並不構成且不應被視為投資、財務、法律、稅務、會計、監管、專業或其他的專家建議。如你對財務狀況或需求存有疑慮,應先諮詢專業財務建議。在任何情况下,滙豐對因倚賴本研討會所提供的意見、建議或陳述所導致的任何損失或損害概不負責。

2.     本研討會舉辦前後所發佈的資料內容、討論和演說期間及任何會後發佈材料所載或所發表的觀點及意見,只代表講者個人及/或其代表機構的觀點及意見,並不代表或反映滙豐的觀點或意見 (滙豐代表除外)。對於本研討會所發佈的材料及/或內容中的任何資料、調查結果、預測、聲明或保證(不論明示或暗示)的完整性或準確性,或其中的任何遺漏,滙豐概不作任何性質的聲明或保證(不論明示或暗示),亦不就此承擔任何責任。

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4.     議程及講者或有更改。 滙豐可隨時延遲或取消本研討會並不作另行通知 。對於因研討會的延期或取消而導致的任何開支、不便或費用,滙豐概不承擔任何責任。

5.     如對本研討會或其邀請有任何爭議,滙豐保留最終決定權。

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(a)   同意本研討會的條款及細則;

(b)   登記滙豐「貿易學府」研討會時已年滿二十一歲或以上;

(c)   確認遵守閣下的業務政策以及適用的法律及法規。此邀請乃根據滙豐之政策(包括其反賄賂及貪腐原則和政策)擬定,故並不構成滙豐與閣下開展業務的責任或期望。 如閣下現時需就個人/每名與會者參與本研討會的費用匯報或進一步尋求批准,本行可按要求提供相關協助;

(d)   同意滙豐按《關於個人資料(私隱)條例》發出的通知 (「該通知」),就本活動或其他目的收集、使用、 處理、披露及轉移你的個人資料及其他相關資料,並提供予其相關代理人以及獲授權的服務供應商和相關第三方(包括但不限於滙豐集團任何成員公司)(不論在香港特別行政區境內或境外)。該通知載於本行網頁(。

(e)   同意錄影本研討會作日後之用;及

(f)    同意於研討會任何問答環節中,不透露任何個人資料。





1.     This seminar/webinar is prepared by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (“HSBC”) and has been organised to provide you with a general overview on the subject. Any examples given are for the purposes of illustration only. You should not rely on the information shared. Any information provided at or in connection with the webinar does not constitute an offer to sell, or solicitation of investment business or an offer to buy any financial services and/or products, nor is it a recommendation with respect to such investment business, financial services and/products. It does not constitute and should not be considered as investment, financial, legal, tax, accounting, regulatory, professional or other specialist advice. If you are in doubt as to your financial situation or needs, you should seek professional financial advice. Under no circumstances will The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (“HSBC") be liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance on, any opinion, advice or statement made in this seminar/webinar.

2.     The views and opinions expressed in the materials circulated before and after the seminar/webinar, during discussions and presentations at the webinar and any post-webinar materials, are those of the individuals and/or the organisations represented by the individuals and except where an individual is specifically identified as a representative of HSBC,  do not state or reflect those of HSBC. HSBC makes no representation or warranty (expressed or implied) of any nature, nor accepts any liability or responsibility with respect to the completeness or accuracy of any information, findings, projections, representations or warranties (expressed or implied) in, or omitted from, the seminar/webinar materials or the content of the seminar/webinar.

3.     The download and/or use of the webinar tool is at your entire discretion and risk. HSBC shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage suffered by you resulting from your download and/or use of the webinar tool.

4.     Agenda and speakers of this webinar are subject to change. HSBC may postpone or cancel this webinar at any time without notice. HSBC accepts no liability for any expenses, inconvenience or costs incurred due to any postponement or cancellation of this seminar/webinar and for any such postponement or cancellation.

5.     In case of any dispute arising out of the invitation of this seminar/webinar or this seminar/webinar, HSBC’s decision shall be final and conclusive.

6.     These terms and conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

By accepting this invitation, you:

(a)   agree to the terms and conditions of this seminar/webinar;

(b)   confirm that you are 21 years of age or above at the time of registration.

(c)   confirm compliance with your business' policies as well as applicable laws and regulations. This invitation is provided in accordance with HSBC's policies, including its anti-bribery and corruption principles and policies and there is no obligation or expectation generated as a result of this invitation with regard to your business with HSBC. If you are currently subject to reporting obligations or need to seek further approvals then the individual/per person cost of this webinar is available upon request;

(d)   consent to the collection, use, process, disclosure and transfer of your personal data and other information by HSBC, to our respective agents and authorised service providers as well as relevant third parties (including but not limited to any member of the HSBC Group) whether within or outside of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in connection with this Event and other purposes as set out in HSBC’s Notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the "Notice"). The Notice is available on our website

(e)   consent to the recording of this seminar/webinar for future use; and

(f)    agree not to share any personal information during any Q&A session during this seminar/webinar.

For the purposes of the foregoing:

“HSBC Group” means HSBC Holdings plc and its subsidiaries and affiliates from time to time.

© Copyright. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this webinar may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of HSBC.